


ModjyIndex » History » Revision 8

Revision 7 (Alan Kennedy, 2011-02-25 08:54 PM) → Revision 8/9 (Alan Kennedy, 2011-02-25 10:01 PM)

h1. A WSGI server for jython 

 h2(#intro). Introduction to modjy 

 Python *Web Server Gateway Interface*, as specified in "PEP-333":, is a ??simple and universal interface between web servers and [python] web applications or frameworks??.  

 Modjy is an implementation of a WSGI compliant gateway/server for jython, built on "Java/J2EE servlets": Which means that 

  # Jython WSGI applications run inside a Java/J2EE servlet container, e.g. "Apache Tomcat": 
  # Incoming requests are handled by the servlet container 
  # The container is configured to route requests to the modjy servlet 
  # The modjy servlet creates an embedded jython interpreter inside the servlet container, and loads a configured jython web application, e.g. "Django":, ??the web framework for perfectionists with deadlines??. 
  # The modjy servlet delegates the requests to the configured WSGI application or framework. 
  # The WSGI response is routed back to the client through the servlet container. 

 For further information about WSGI, see "": For a detailed specification of WSGI see "PEP-333: Python Web Server Gateway Interface, version 1.0": 

 h2(#toc). How to use modjy 

  # See the [[ModjyDownload|download]] page to find out how to get hold of modjy. 
  # See the [[ModjyDeployment|modjy deployment]] page to read about deploying modjy applications. 
  # See the [[ModjyWarPackaging|modjy and WAR files]] page for information on packaging modjy applications in WAR files. 
  # See the [[ModjyConfiguration|modjy configuration]] page to read about the various configuration options available to you for configuring modjy 
  # See the [[ModjyLocateCallables|loading applications]] page to find out about the different mechanisms that modjy can use to locate and load WSGI callable objects 
  # There is dedicated documentation for running [[ModjyGoogleAppEngine|modjy on Google AppEngine]] 
  # See the [[ModjyWSGI|modjy and WSGI]] page for a discussion of how modjy complies with the WSGI standard. 
  # See the [[ModjyDesign|modjy design]] page to read about how modjy is designed. 
  # See the [[ModjyTroubleShooting|modjy trouble-shooting]] which describes some common problems and solutions.